Monday, December 9, 2019

Tips for Breaking the PRESS!

 1. STAY CALM. Part of the reason for the press is to get players anxious and moving faster than you want. Stay calm and control the pace. Don't let the defense dictate the pace for you. And by all means, don't dwell on the last play. Getting angry will only make things worse. Think about the next play.

2. MEET THE PASS.  If you wait for the ball to come to you, the defense has more time to pick it off.  Use your body to shield the ball from the defender.

3. LOOK UP.  All too often, players forget to look up.  See where the trap is coming from.

4. ALWAYS LOOK.  Look before you pass and before you dribble.

5. MAKE THE EASY PASS.  Don't force the issue or wait for something better.  The pressing team wants you to throw the long ball because it increase the chance for a turnover.

6. FAKE A PASS, MAKE A PASS.  Use pass fakes to move the defense or freeze the defense.

7. USE QUICK ACCURATE PASSES.  Scoring off the press requires precision passes delivered at the right place at the right time.

8. PASSES ARE FASTER THAN DRIBBLING.  Use passes to advance the ball quicker. Most teams overuse the dribble.

9. RUN THE BASELINE.  When inbounding the ball, get a better angle on the pass by running the base line. This angle allows you to throw shorter, quicker, and more accurate passes.

10. SAVE YOUR DRIBBLE.  When ever you receive the ball, catch and face the basket before you do anything!

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